Healthy Thoughts by Dr. Helena


Posted: October 11, 2017
By: Dr. Helena

Germs are all over the news.  The latest and greatest viral or bacterial infection always seems to make headlines.  But before we run to the pill bottle out of desperation we need to recognize that germs are all around us ALL the time.  We have germs in and on our body and yet we aren't sick ALL the time.  Imagine that!  We have absolutely no idea what we are breathing in after a stranger sneezes right next to us, and yet we don't die each time someone sneezes on us. 

The truth is, we can't, nor should we live in an anti-germ bubble.  That would make us weak and sick!  In the words of the late Dr. Fred Barge, "If the germ theory of disease was correct, we would all be walking around here dead."

The germ theory states that germs cause disease.  Is that true?  According to Dr. Jonathan Eisen, Microbiologist at the University of California, “Sometimes germs are good, sometimes they’re bad.  Nothing is good or bad all the time.”  With all of the antibiotics, "anti-germ" cleansers and soaps we have been using, we are actually killing off the good bugs that help keep the bad bugs under control, which is also making us weak and sick.  

We need to start focusing on our God given immune system.  We cannot control the germs floating around us, but we can control the power of our immune system.  Germs cannot cause disease in a healthy body.  Only a sick body will provide the right environment for bad germs to thrive.  Each and EVERY body can ALWAYS use more health.  How do we create more health and a stronger immune system in the body? If you ask our kids, they will tell you; "Eat good foods, get enough sleep, exercise, have happy thoughts and GET ADJUSTED!"  Independent researcher Ron Pero, Ph.D at New York University, found that Chiropractic patients have an immune response within 15 minutes of their adjustments.  He also found, the longer a person is under consistent Chiropractic care, the stronger the immune system becomes.  Parents often tell us their kids are sick less often in school when under Chiropractic care and they notice a difference in their children when they aren't getting adjusted regularly.

The argument in the news is for the immune compromised children.  They can ABSOLUTELY use more health and a stronger immune system!  When people suffering from AIDS were put under Chiropractic care, their immune function started to increase!  I was a sick kid growing up.  When I started Chiropractic care, I didn't have so much as the common cold for 3 years! Imagine this for a kid that suffered from chronic ear infections, bronchitis and tonsillitis and who knows how many rounds of antibiotics, to not have a sniffle for 3 years? Chiropractic is life changing.

By getting your children adjusted by a Chiropractor, you are promoting a better functioning nerve system and a stronger immune system.  What better investment is there for your children?  They deserve it!



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