Healthy Thoughts by Dr. Helena

What are healthy choices we can make?

Posted: March 10, 2021
By: Dr. Helena

This year marks my 30th year under Chiropractic care.  I am proud of that.  Chiropractic transformed a sick kid to a healthier one that could enjoy life.  After 2020 it became abundantly clear that now is the time to take responsibility for our health and wellness.  Stress that is out of our control will occur.  All we have control over is how we respond to it.  Are our thoughts positive or negative? What are we going to do about it?

When life gets stressful I aim to do MORE of the good stuff.  I ultimately want to make my mind and body stronger to contend with any stress that comes my way.

During times of stress;

 I get adjusted MORE.

I pray MORE.

I journal MORE.

I exercise MORE.

I sleep MORE.

I read MORE.

I chose to watch shows that make me laugh and I chose to eat better.

Listen to your body.  What is it saying and what do you need right now? If what you are watching, listening to or reading is causing you to lose sleep it is crucial you reevaluate what you are doing.  Making yourself sick serves no one.  As a Chiropractor my purpose is service to humanity.  How can I serve others if I’m not taking care of myself?

Many times in my adulthood, I’ve had to reevaluate my life which helped me make better choices.  I will be writing a series of articles to help you reevaluate where you are right now and where you want to go.  Remember, health is a work in progress but as long as we choose to take steps towards better health, we will reap the benefits.