Healthy Thoughts by Dr. Helena

Snow Day!

Posted: January 27, 2019
By: Dr. Helena

Another snow day is upon us!  I have to admit I'm like a little kid when the fluffy white stuff falls from the sky.  Growing up on Long Island, we so rarely had a snow day, I still get excited by the thought of it.  With a snow day already announced on a Sunday evening, I get to sit up and wait for the storm to start.  I'm very fortunate that I get to be home with the kids tomorrow and look out the window with them first thing like it's Christmas morning.  We have no plans to go anywhere and no plans to do anything.  I got work done today so I can just let the day plan itself; a little snow time, a little hot chocolate time, a little play time and quite possibly a little cuddle-up-on-the-couch time.  

But in truth, I'm not always good with "doing nothing."  I'm a bit of a workaholic and there's always something to get accomplished.  These sort of magical days are just what I need to "just be."  Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to enjoy a free day.  We have these so rarely, why not just give in and have a play day with the kids?  When was the last time you had nothing planned and just enjoyed a day off?  Let's take this opportunity to add more fun and laughter into our lives and we will be healthier for it!  


Posted: January 23, 2019
By: Dr. Helena


At BFC, we do four fundraisers a year.  We start and end the year with fundraisers for the Fort Peck Indian Reservation.  In December, four of us from BFC went to the res to give out the gifts raised during the Christmas on the Reservation fundraiser in October and November.  Each time I go, I am excited to see the positive changes that are taking place.  This year, the kids came out in the hall to meet and greet us at one of the schools we visited.  It was overwhelming and beautiful and emotional.  I am honored to be a part of Love Has No Color and we constantly look for different ways BFC can be involved.  In past years we have hosted an annual bowling event and had quilt raffles for our first fundraiser of the year.  This year we are auctioning off an awesome gift that comes with the feeling of summer!  Each raffle ticket is $10.  People that come to our health talks, and refer in new patients will receive a free raffle ticket!  For New Patients, a donation of $50 to Love Has No Color will cover the cost of their first visit here at BFC.  (This first visit donation does NOT apply to Medicare and Medicaid.)  This is a great opportunity to help support the children on the Fort Peck Reservation as well as help you and your family get healthier this year. 

When LHNC began 13 years ago, the donations went towards building out a movie theater and the Chiropractic Clinic.  The entire building was condemned at that time.  Seven years of work and hundreds of volunteers later, both were completed. Since then, the kids have a social meeting pace that provides protection from dangerous influences like gangs, drugs and crime.  Food is often provided for the children at the movie theater.  This year 100% of donations from this event will go towards the preservation and maintenance of the theater. Please help us continue to provide a safe haven for the kids on the reservation.  We truly need your help!





Posted: January 23, 2019
By: Dr. Helena

For the last few months, I have been going through every closet and drawer in our house.  I am not manic about it by any means.  I go where inspiration strikes me, like “What is in the guest room dresser drawers?”  I open them up one by one and either add stuff to the Goodwill pile or put it where it might actually belong or become aware that we have this particular item so we don’t buy another one.  In most drawers there is excess and possibly things another person could use.  As humans we accumulate stuff.  When the stuff becomes clutter, it frustrates me and I feel overwhelmed by it.  I do enjoy finding new homes for things and it feels good to get fresh air into a previously cluttered drawer or closet. 

Awareness of our surroundings is important.  But what about awareness of our bodies?  Most often our body gets ignored, because we are afraid to step on that scale and then be responsible for what we see there.  I find the human ego is very interesting.  I people watch all the time.  The ego says, “If I actually knew what my current weight was, and didn’t like it, I would have to become responsible to my health to change it.”  That is just too painful, so we will just avoid it altogether. 

It is hard to get back to exercising, because if you stopped and you decide to start again, you most likely won’t have the same strength or endurance you had before.  That loss can make one feel like a failure, so we just avoid exercising altogether.

We truly need to start just becoming aware for the sake of awareness and not place any emotions to it.  It is just a start point. Period. If we want to change our weight, our endurance, our strength or our environment, we need to start somewhere.  I challenge you to start with the junk drawer in your house.  Empty it.  Throw out garbage, make a goodwill bag and put back what you need so you can find it when you need it.  I challenge you to get on that scale.  Write down the weight and take your measurements.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful and commit to changing those numbers if you feel they need changing.  Don’t be manic about it.  Don’t harbor negative feelings towards yourself.  Just get up and start moving because it’s good for you.

On January 1st, I pulled my Fitbit out of my drawer, charged it and put it on.  I wasn’t sure I wanted to record what I ate each day and how much water I drank.  But in truth it brought forth awareness of what I was doing.  Since I have to check in with the computer each day, it also helped to create responsibility.  What am I putting in my mouth each day? Does that allow me to thrive? Or is it making me sick?  Is it helping me reach my goals? Or is it counterproductive?  What are your goals? You can’t change if you don’t know where you’re going.  Commit to change this year. Commit to being a better you.  It helps me to have goals on my Fitbit for how many steps I took today; how many staircases did I climb, and how many times did I exercise this week?  How are my stats this week compared to last?  We all have a little competitive side.  Why not compete to make yourself better?

The treatment plans we lay out for you at the office work.  Why not commit yourself to that plan to get the most out of your care in our office? Commit to coming to our health talk so you are fully engaged in your healing.  There is such a difference in the outcome of those that commit to themselves versus those that don’t.  We, the Chiropractors at BFC, will NEVER quit on you.  We always see opportunity and potential regardless of age or past history.  Sadly some people quit on themselves and never give themselves a chance for a better life.  But those that commit, get a life back they often didn’t think was possible!  And there is nothing better than that.